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Vote "NO" on HB 1826

updated: 1/7/2009 6:20 AM

To the editor:


Lawmakers and judges may be confused, but voters aren't. Plainly put -- people don't want counterfeit homosexual marriage.

On Nov. 4, the country witnessed three more states unwilling to redefine natural marriage, in spite of multi-millions spent by the homosexual community. This brings the total to 30 out of 30. One hundred percent of states that brought the question to the people want Judeo-Christian marriage as the standard.

Yet many Illinois elected officials remain out-of-touch. 

HB 1826, has gone through the process and may be voted on anytime. HB 1826 creates a new Illinois law, renaming homosexual marriage a "civil union."?Don't let them confuse you. Civil unions and "gay" marriage have the same benefits.

Moreover, gay activists won't be satisfied with civil unions.

Several gay activists signed a Nov. 19 letter, including their Springfield lobbyist. It was printed in the homosexual newspaper Windy City Times. These two sentences make their future intentions crystal clear.

"Most crucially, we should make clear that we expect our endorsed candidate to unequivocally support full marriage equality. No longer should we accept candidates who attempt to straddle the fence by opposing marriage equality while supporting civil unions."

"Civil unions" legislation is a stepping stone to obtaining gay marriage.

Call your state representative and senator and tell them "NO" on HB 1826. The other side is. Pandora's Box must remain closed.


Kathy Valente

Policy Analyst

Illinois Family Institute

Tinley Park

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