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  • This group of turkey vultures was hanging out at the railroad tracks just south of Benton yesterday before moving as a flock into a nearby tree. Also referred to as buzzards, these birds are scavengers feeding almost exclusively on decaying flesh. Buzzards are unique from other birds in that they use thermals in flight, flapping their wings infrequently. Unlike other bird species that chirp, whistle and even talk, buzzards lack a syrinx, or vocal organ, and only communicate in grunts or low hisses. Buzzards are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.

    This group of turkey vultures was hanging out at the railroad tracks just south of Benton yesterday before moving as a flock into a nearby tree. Also referred to as buzzards, these birds are scavengers feeding almost exclusively on decaying flesh. Buzzards are unique from other birds in that they use thermals in flight, flapping their wings infrequently. Unlike other bird species that chirp, whistle and even talk, buzzards lack a syrinx, or vocal organ, and only communicate in grunts or low hisses. Buzzards are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.
    Photo by Holly Kee

Posted on 4/20/2017, 5:00 AM


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