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Editorial: Immigration debate misses the obvious

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Posted on 1/14/2016, 1:21 PM

Soon after Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign with a promise to build a wall on the southern border to keep illegal immigrants out, Latin American workers building Trump's new hotel steps from the White House groused about his insults and admitted that many of the workers had crossed the border illegally and still lack legal documentation.
Trump is still talking about his wall, but the illegal immigrants on his payroll are as forgotten as the undocumented immigrants who tended Mitt Romney's Belmont lawn. The nation's long-running immigration debate continues to ignore the obvious: What drives illegal immigration is access to jobs in the U.S.
Immigrants don't leave their homes and families, at great risk and expense, because crossing the borders is easy and they enjoy the American air. They don't come here for drivers licenses or in-state discounts on college tuition. They don't come here so they can vote for Democrats, no matter what the Republicans say.
They come here for work, to earn money to support and unite their families. The magnet that draws immigrants here is access to jobs, and the threat they pose is to the jobs that would otherwise go to citizens.
Yet candidates talk about a wall at the border, not about a fence keeping undocumented workers out of the construction site. We talk about background checks to screen refugees, not about checks into the immigration status of waiters, housekeepers and hospital workers. We argue about requiring a photo ID for voting, but nobody is proposing we put photos on Social Security cards or upgrade the usefulness of the database for employment and taxation that has been in existence for 75 years.
If someone uses your credit card for an unusual purchase in another state, the credit card company can notify you within minutes.Stopping the use of fraudulent Social Security numbers on paychecks shouldn't be that difficult.
But business-oriented Republicans don't want to talk about workplace enforcement because business depends on undocumented workers.Immigrants don't call for stricter enforcement because they don't want to see immigrants lose their jobs. Democrats would rather talk about a path to citizenship because they don't want to offend their immigrant allies.
What nobody wants to talk about is the underground economy. Businesses make a lot of money -- and consumers save a lot of money -- by using undocumented, low-paid workers to repair our homes, clean our offices, tend to our landscaping and care for our kids. We don't really want to know whether those workers we depend on have green cards.
The tone that candidates like Trump have brought to the immigration issue resonates with people who know first-hand the impact of undocumented workers on the job market: low wage service workers and those who have lost middle class jobs in construction and manufacturing. What they, and the candidates they support, need to understand is that no wall will stop immigrants as long as employers are free to hire them.

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