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Shimkus announces re-election plans

Posted on 11/6/2013, 8:12 AM

U.S. Representative John Shimkus announced his plan to seek another two-year term in the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday at the Harris-Pruett Building in Harrisburg.

He currently serves on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is chairman of the Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy. In addition he serves on the subcommittees on Energy and Power, Communications and Technology and Health.

"The last year has been more dramatic and intense than any other year I have served. The issues effect the fiscal future of our government, the future of individual human rights in America and the overall direction of our government," Shimkus said.

"Republicans control only 1/2 of 1/3 of our federal government. Can you imagine what Democrats would do if they had the Presidency, the Senate and the House? I know I don't want to see that."

Shimkus, a Republican, is a graduate of West Point and has an MBA from Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. He was elected twice as Madison County Treasurer and was first elected to Congress in 1996.

The 15th District now consists of 33 counties from the most southern end of the state and from river to river.

Shimkus believes of the two most controversial issues of the fall — the October partial shutdown of the federal government and the Affordable Care Act — the ACA is becoming of chief concern.

"I think people are now more concerned with the ACA than with the shutdown. Many are saying they see what we were concerned about," Shimkus said.

"Illinois has 102 counties. We have a clash of opinions about public policy. Nothing is more illustrative of that the controversy over Obamacare. It shows that sometimes you just can't trust the Federal Government. It over promises and under delivers. We stumbled into a government shutdown because so many people are opposed to Obamacare. Now, we have this law and we have to figure out how to live with it.

We have military leaders saying that our debt is the biggest threat to national security. We have to figure out how to get our fiscal house in order," he said.

Shimkus said the Fed wanted to regulate dust during harvest time. He said the ACA website should post honest prices on its website.

"My job is to represent your values in Washington. Those values demand less government, more freedom, more liberty and lower taxes," he said.

Shimkus indicated despite partisan clashes, he remains hopeful for the future.

"I am not pessimistic about this country. We have suffered through administrations that don't share our values before. But holding the House is imperative. We have important things to fight for. We have our values to protect," he said.

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